I Am Still Here :)

Thursday, July 07, 2016

I know, I know. I haven’t uploaded for like a month, but I have a good reason for it. Firstly I had to finish up with all my exams at school, secondly I was on something like a holiday with my school and this is actually what I will talk about in my next post which will or actually already is up after this one. And finally I just needed some time off and to enjoy time with my family and friends. BUT. Yes exactly there is a big BUT. This Friday I have my graduation and then I have 10 weeks summer holiday and this means a lot of new posts and just everything.
So yeah this post was actually meant to be only so you can see that I am still alive haha.

I also wanted to ask you what you think of the new design?! It took me quite a while to actually figure out what I actually want to do with it. So I really hope that you like it guys. I also want to ask you what you want me to write about, like what you want to see on my blog or something I could do on a daily basis.
Just leave your ideas down in the comments or send me an email at pla.martinska@gmail.com. I will answer everyone and will try my best to actually write down all the post ideas or whatever you request.

Well I think that’s for now. And now I am off to quickly put up my next post. So see you in a bit ;) 

Kisses xx

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