Cold Home Made Drinks

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The hot days are here again and I don’t know about you, but I always love to drink some cold and refreshing drinks so I still can still can make it through the day. And buying Starbucks everyday can get quite expansive, since here it is more expansive than in other countries. But let’s continue with the main point today. Cold Home Made Drinks. I recently was so bored that I experimented with some products and made some really simple, but still refreshing drinks. And today I will show you how you can make it at home too.
I don’t have names for them so you can give them some. Now let’s get started:

1. What You Need:
Cold soda water
Lemon syrup
This one is pretty easy. Just take a cup or jar and fill it with the cold soda. Add about two table spoons of the lemon syrup and just add the Blueberries or any other berry you like. It's that easy haha. Enjoy!

2. What You Need:
Cold soda water
Just as easy as the first drink. Only you don't have lemon syrup in this one, but you add some Rosemary and squeeze out some of the Lime you have cut out in slices. And you are done. And yes, I have combined it with some chocolate cake, don't judge me!

3. What You Need:
Blueberries and cherries
You start with taking out the cherry seed. And of course you can use some other fruits too, but be careful, not all fruits are good with milk or in combination with another fruit. So, after you have done this, measure how much milk you will need, but be careful don't fill up the jar/cup to the top let out at least one fouth out. Now add the blueberries and cherries and mix them together with the milk. Now you have to only fill up the jap/cup and you are done. Enjoy it!

Well that's all for today. I really hope you like this ideas and maybe try them out, when you do then you should send me a pic of it on my social media accounts. I say bye now and I see you pretty soon in my next post. Love you guys
Kisses xx

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